Alito ‘Stunned’ By Court Exercising Judicial Power He Championed & Expanded Just Months Ago
From the the-only-thing-stunning-here-is-the-hypocrisy dept
From the the-only-thing-stunning-here-is-the-hypocrisy dept
Don't hold your breath.
From training to technology, uncover the essential steps to futureproof your law firm in a competitive market.
Ain't no party like an ex parte... conversation with the judge.
Senate Judiciary investigation report identifies Scalia as the source of a lot of Supreme Court mischief.
Being a Supreme Court justice means never having to say you're sorry... but everyone else has to apologize to you.
That Governing Document Can't Stop Me Because I Can't Read!
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.
It turns out Sam Alito hates the Constitution as much as you thought he did.
The latest details of the Supreme Court justice's luxury trips keep getting more surreal.
From the which-way-the-wind-blows dept.
Somehow, Thomas penning a love letter to the 'balancing act' involved in drawing automatic performance from a rifle wasn't the weirdest part.
Contracts are now integrated into an end-to-end system, and efficiencies abound.
It's not so much that Sam Alito is a liar, it's that he's so bad at it.
An appeal to common sense is denied.
The Post's excuse for not running this story is bad, but it's the inevitable side effect of the Supreme Court's structure.
Consider the Venn diagram...
Which January 6 flag will Sam Alito fly next?